Sunday, December 30, 2012

Vivaldi: Violin Concertos Volume 2

This is the second volume of the “Naïve” Vivaldi edition to be dedicated to the violin concertos. It features the outstanding young German soloist Anton Steck and the renowned specialist baroque ensemble Modo Antiquo performing works collectively known as “Di Sfida”. They are considered to be some of the most challenging pieces that the composer ever wrote.

Even at a time when technically daunting violin concertos were all the rage, the six concertos assembled on this disc were remarkable for their difficulty; indeed, they were the most difficult concertos Vivaldi ever wrote. The B flat major Concerto that concludes the set at hand, for instance, may be the single most virtuosic work in the violin repertoire before Paganini. Fortunately, German violinist Anton Steck has what it takes. With bow blazing and fingers burning, Steck conquers the many challenges in these works with dash and panache: their slashing staccato, ringing ricochets, brave leaps, daring double stopping, searing sixty-fourth note scales, and almost impossibly high lying lines. Brilliantly accompanied by the excellent Italian period instrument orchestra Modo Antiquo led by Federico Maria Sardelli, Steck turns in literally breathtaking performances that deserve to be heard by anyone who loves great violin concertos and great violin playing. Naïve's 2006 digital sound is big and close, perhaps too big and close for every listener's comfort but still thoroughly impressive.

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