Saturday, December 15, 2012

Bach: Concertos for Several Instruments, Vol. 4

As you probably know, the title of this disc, Six Concerts avec plusieurs instruments, is the actual title inscribed by Bach on his presentation manuscript of the Brandenburg Concertos. Alpha is implementing a novel concept of releasing the six Brandenburgs, one per disc, in a series that will eventually incorporate not only the Brandenburgs but also the orchestral suites, and most, if not all, of the extant concertos—the latter in reconstructions if they are presumed to have been derived from earlier sources. This is the Volume IV in the series. I haven’t heard the three previous discs, but if this one is typical, it would be very good news for listeners.

All of the concertos on this disc are played with stunning virtuosity and an infectious zest by Café Zimmermann, nominally a French period-instruments chamber ensemble, though the names of the constituent members imply that it is an international group. The leading lights of the ensemble are violinist and concertmaster Pablo Valetti and harpsichordist Céline Frisch. The name of the ensemble is taken from Zimmermann’s Coffee House in Leipzig, where this music might have been played by the Collegium Musicum, featuring Bach and his sons and protégés. In fact, all of this music was probably composed in Cöthen, prior to Bach’s move to Leipzig. 

The Brandenburgs, having been dispatched to Berlin, almost certainly were never played by Bach in Leipzig, and the other concertos would have been played in their harpsichord versions, which were made specifically for Leipzig. No matter. The music is incomparable, and the performances, if comparable, are so against the best of the current competition. Issues of authenticity aside, these are very modern and imaginative interpretations, which is to say, this is where performance practice has taken us right now. My only problem with this release is that pesky Roman numeral IV. It has put I, II, and III, not to mention V, and VI in the back of my mind. Very warmly recommended. --FANFARE: George Chien

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