Sunday, January 20, 2013

Haydn: Violin Concertos

“Carmignola plays as if this music had been composed specifically for him, with all the tonal richness and agility required of him and with a pinpoint accuracy of intonation...There's no denying that these works aren't the last word in violin concerto composition but, performed as scintillatingly as this, they're worth an hour of anyone's time.” --Gramophone Magazine, May 2012

“Carmignola combines historical performance practice with spontaneous touches of colour to make the most of Haydn's phrases. The Orchestre des Champs-Elysees match him in crispness and bounce.” --BBC Music Magazine, April 2012 ***

“the outer movements bubble along here full of life and fresh-faced charm...Carmignola injects a level of colour and variety into this music which more than compensates for a gnawing that when he wrote it Haydn was not entirely brimming over with new ideas.” --International Record Review, May 2012

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