Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mozart: Violin Concertos Nos. 1, 2 & 4

“Tognetti and the admirable Australian Chamber Orchestra aim at a synthesis between 'authentic' and modern performance styles of Mozart...above all, these are interpretations which take their point of departure from the music itself, more than from theories of what it might - or might not - have sounded like in Mozart's day.” --BBC Music Magazine, October 2011 *****


“Tognetti is named as "lead violin". But the intelligent, recreative exchange he inspires suggests a musician conducting from his instrument. There are no perfunctory notes or turns of phrase. Modulations are acknowledged by mutations in tone colour and dynamics, and bar-lines all but disappear in the wake of tractable tempi.” --Gramophone Magazine, Awards Issue 2011

“The ensemble’s precision and energy make the three on this recording sound more like beefed-up string quartets, with all traces of gentility stripped away. An exhilarating disc.” --The Telegraph, 7th July 2011 *****

“[Tognetti] emphasises in his booklet note that his purely musical responses were governed not by dogma but sheer intuitiveness. The results combine the best of both worlds, benefitting from the lighter touch and airier textures of authenticism, yet expressed with an emotional warmth and spontaniety...it is difficult to imagine a more beguiling set of performances.” --Classic FM Magazine, September 2011 ****

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