Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mozart, Crusell & J.C. Bach: Music for Oboe and Strings

Max Artved is clearly the star of this program, and his warm and fluid oboe tone is most pleasing. His control of the instrument, flawless intonation and finely shaped phrasing is a delight for the ear. Lest I seem dismissive of his colleagues, I would hasten to add that this is an ensemble of first-rate professionals. It is not clear if these musicians play together regularly, but they do all have membership in various Danish orchestras in common. The Danes must be the proud home of some excellent conservatories, if the refined playing of this group is any indication.

This recital is one of those double plusses, which allow for careful and involved listening if desired, and some splendid ambient music if the occasion calls for such. The music itself is tuneful and energetic, elegant and engaging, and should be appealing to all but the most curmudgeonly of listeners. Similar enough in style to flow together without too much of a jar, there is plenty of subtle drama to keep your ears attuned as well.

This is a most pleasant and recommendable disc, one that would find pride of place in any library. Superb sound quality, and Keith Anderson’s typically fine program notes are the icing that secures this recital a firm spot in the winner’s column." --Kevin Sutton, MusicWeb International, January 2005

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