Saturday, October 20, 2012

Parry: Symphony No. 1, Concertstück

Parry’s First Symphony is a tautly constructed large-scale symphony written for Hans Richter. It is the work of a young man and evinces the broad bow-waved mastery and ebullience of youth. Schumann was, on this evidence, Parry’s hero and object of adoration. The Andante is lissom, smooth and calms the savage breast. The Scherzo skims and sprints along, full of the constant dialoguing mediation of youthful confidence and stormy power. It’s a commanding performance of a work the grandeur of which has not slowed its winged mercurial heels. It’s well worth hearing.

“Bamert proves a masterly interpreter and takes us convincingly through the symphonic terrain of a highly influential composer....The sound is rich and full to match the outstanding playing.” --Penguin Guide, 2011 edition [Parry: Complete Symphonies]

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