Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Neapolitan Flute Concertos

'This is above all music to beguile the ear. The performances are a delight. What with Carlo Ipata's liquid tone and secure virtuosity, and the brightness, nimbleness and transparency of the one-to-a-part strings of Auser Musici (excellently captured by the recording), this unassuming but sunny and attractive music has surely achieved its finest hour' --Gramophone, June 2010

Gramophone Magazine
Editor's Choice - June 2010

Carlo Ipata (flute), Auser Musici

Auser Musici’s recordings for Hyperion have been praised for their stylish period-instrument charm and lithe, flexible, elegant sound. They have rediscovered many hidden gems of the Italian baroque repertoire. Works featuring the flute are something of a speciality of the ensemble and their disc of Boccherini Flute Quintets was highly acclaimed. The baroque flute virtuoso Carlo Ipata returns for this latest release.

Previously concentrating on music of Tuscan origin, Auser Musici now turns to 18th century Naples. The city at this period was an extraordinarily fecund artistic crucible, with many commissioning opportunities for young composers. The composers recorded here are contemporaries of the great composers such as Porpora who were at the forefront of the achievements of Neapolitan music in the first half of the eighteenth century; and the startling quality of the music demonstrates the richness of the artistic life of the age.

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